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Love Me

If you follow me on Instagram you saw the post I shared yesterday which posed the question, “If I ask you to name the things you love, how long would it take for you to name yourself?” I had so many reactions and many messages sent to me from men and women. Most of them said they never thought of themselves or thought of themselves last. When I first saw the question I was in the same boat. Why do we think so little of ourselves? I’m not saying to be conceited, prideful, or self centered, but love who God created you to be! It is okay to love yourself. Psalm 139:14 says, “I will praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I KNOW that full well.” Do you KNOW that you are a masterpiece created by God? It is one thing to know about something or someone, but do you authentically know this truth?

Have you ever stood beside the ocean and found yourself in awe of its power and majesty? Have you ever stood on a mountaintop and had your breath taken away by the overwhelming beauty? Have you ever been to the zoo and seen the animals and been enamored by their uniqueness created by our God? Have you looked at your child and melted at the beautiful gift that they are? If you haven’t had any of these experiences then take some time to yourself and take in the things around you. If you do know this feeling then know that the same God who created all of these things and gave all of these gifts to you created you as well and feels even more enamored with you and who you are. The best part about it is there is absolutely nothing that you did to earn this. The grace of God is so incredible that He delights in you! Love who He created. Take time to take care for you. Celebrate who you are! As for myself…I’m learning how to love me.

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