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Exceptional Me??

It has been a while. Life gets busy and I find myself on the go all of the time. However, due to rain, today has consented to some quiet time alone by myself. I switched on the TV and happened to listen to Victoria Osteen as she promotes her new book “Exceptional You”. I may step on some toes, but God has really laid some words on my heart that I feel need to be spoken. I haven’t read the book so I have no idea of its true contents, however there were several things that she spoke that stood out to me as detrimental to who GOD created us to be. I feel like some of her words can be very misleading. There is nothing good or exceptional about me. On my own I am a sinner. I am created by God, but my nature is to be sinful. I didn’t have to teach my child to tell me no, pitch a fit, or throw her toys. It is her sin nature. As sweet as she is and as much as I love her, she is still a sinner. Imperfect. In need of a savior. What makes you exceptional has nothing to do with you. I can’t dig deep inside of myself and find anything that makes me worthy of the grace of God. I can’t just all of the sudden work hard, help people, make a lot of money, check all of the boxes that society says are needed to be great and poof like magic it happens. Do you know what makes me exceptional? Do you know what makes me worthy? Do you know what makes me successful? I am covered by the blood of Jesus. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Romans 3:23 says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Seems hopeless, but it isn’t the end of the story. Romans 5:8 says, “But God, (not me) demonstrates His own love in this; while we were STILL sinners, CHRIST died for us.” I did nothing. I didn’t have to die. I do have a responsibility though. God gave me the choice. So what do you do? How do you become exceptional? It’s simple. The answer is found in Romans 10:9. “If your CONFESS with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and BELIEVE in your heart that God raised him from the dead you will be saved.” Confess. Believe. That’s it. That is what makes my life exceptional beyond measure. As I said, I haven’t read the book so I do not know it’s full contents. Maybe Victoria did an excellent job outlining the plan of salvation and the truth of success through God’s eyes and not of this world’s, but she blew a major opportunity this morning to share with millions the truth of their worth. Your identity must be found in Jesus Christ. That’s what makes an Exceptional You.

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